Monday 7 February 2011

Slow Shutter Speed and Panning Pics

I showed remarkable discipline in not racing this week but instead followed my training plan of 8 miles tempo run on Saturday and 12 miles easy on Sunday.

This week we ventured out to take some  Slow Shutter Speed and Panning photographs. Here's a few that I took on the footbridge over the motorway:

Slow Shutter Speed


  1. Good pics Ian

    the top picture is of my old stomping ground, the building at the top centre of the pic (slightly to the right) is my old secondary school, Saint Rochs.

    The high-rised building are Charles Street flats. I was brought up in a street by the M8 motorway (out of shot just to right).

    Many great times growing up in good ol' Royston.


  2. Thanks Joe, one of the great things about photography is capturing a moment or a memory.
