Sunday 19 May 2013

Tollcross parkrun photographs.

Tollcross parkrun were short of a race photographer this week, so I decided to help them out and get the opportunity to experiment a bit with my camera, adjusting the aperture and shutting speed to see which settings were best for photographing people running. I know that some photographers like to shoot with a very fast shutter speed but this tends to freeze the runner, whilst I prefer to use a slower shutter speed and therefore catch some movement in my photos. My Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens allows me to shoot with a short depth of field so that I can focus on the main characters in the frame and show their facial expressions: the passion, pain, fun and other emotions. However I also wanted to take some photos which would paint a picture of what the course is like, in particular the hills. Although to be kind to the runners, I positioned myself at the bottom of the hills, rather than the top of them. I also took some photos of the Tollcross park itself, including the Winter Gardens and Children's Farm. I hope that you like them.

 Photos here:

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